What draws us to Acadie ?

Is it perhaps that, the large and cohesive Acadian Family emerged unexpectedly of a relatively small group of individuals,(more or less 300 initially) of which the population increased and spreaded so much and well, reaching 14,000 souls in less then 123 years without much concours of European immigration ? Rather intriguing.

-Was "isolation", the argument used by the French authorities to ignore the Acadian people during several times of trials and devastations of eleven changes of Government ? after all, this was a distant transatlantic colony... Acadie appears to be that somewhat "disturbing" colony that seemed to adapt better to the "uncivilized" ways of the Natives, then the ones of the imperial courts, it made the nobility shiver in the "dentelles" of Versailles, and London...

Or, could it be that a new identity had appeared among this self-governed people, that France nor England could maintain control over, unless it was threatened to death ?... Perhaps had these people become so close to each other and the Mi'kmaq, through an improved form of feudalism / communionship based system?
Could they have been so close to the earth, through this fabulous dykeland culture of theirs, that, no need for possessor ship of the land was necessary, but rather, the sharing of it for the sole purpose of a self-relying and contented community? Virtues, already long lost in the courts of Europe...

As much as the Imperial forces of Britain and France did not have the tools to comprehend and respond to the Acadian context of the time, as puzzled we may still be four centuries later, in trying to encompass the Acadian Culture completely.

So many questions remain unanswered, so much to find out... Genealogy, the world's most practiced of all hobbies, is but a door to enter the Acadian Culture. But whether it is through modern means of doing geneology or the former mandatory reading of one of America's outstanding literary classics "Evangeline; A Tale of Love in Acadie" written in 1847 by Longfellow, the search has been constant and is still evolving. Repercussions resulting from this are the academic reconstruction of the social fabric of Acadie.

Here is, in my view, in a past not so distant from us, on the same patient and delightful land, the story of a people that displays at once, all the virtues and wrong doing of mankind.
A mosaic of a people still here, witnessing, and celebrating the triumphant thirst for life and hope of better days over the centuries...

The unfolding of its history is ever so accessible and appropriate to us for, it shows us the steps that immediately preceded us. These are the forefathers to whom we are linked today by our physical traits, characters, and language. This is the blood, History is supposed to be written with; it flows in our veins...

From the time Acadie emerged as a distinct colony, through its memorable "Golden Age", all the way through the ordeal of the up-rooting and dispersion of over 14,000 of its people, their indescribable "odyssey "back to the "Motherland"; Nova Scotia, or in new homes such as Louisiana, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, Newfoundland, the New England states and Québec or even back to the land of their forefathers in France, the untouchable bond has remained as an intricate part of the flourishing Culture.
The saying "knowing our past is the link to our future..." takes here, all its meaning.

As blooming as ever, the Acadian Culture which had been scattered like pollen to all corners (1755-1764 Deportation), has taken roots and manifested itself as one of the most vibrant and colourful of the world.

There are as many pieces to the reconstructed "Family Portrait" as there are people to tell their own specific stories.
The mosaic of Acadie is revealing itself with unsuspected splendour.

Acadian World Congress // Congrès Mondial Acadien;

The Acadian World Congress (C.M.A) are tangible expressions of that phenomena each five years.

A form of Acadian Cultural tourism is eminent, to allow the "coming together" of its scattered shinny pieces; A form of factual exploration through traveling, where clear guidance, fun discovery, comfort and pleasure find their equal shares.

Novacadie Tours, is a young an energetic team of professionals with a vision; One which combines their efforts and professions to create an unprecedented concept in Tourism. It is a complete Receptive Tour company that offers visitors from all over the world, various ways to "explore "for themselves, the geography and people of Eastern Canada (Nova Scotia, New-Brunswick, P.E.I, the Magdalene Islands, Newfoundland and Saint-Pierre & Miquelon, Etc).

The organization carefully designs the tours, (most of the time, with the client's input) so that authentic experiences take the voyageur to a totally pleasant and revealing discovery adventure, the discovery of the / your early Acadian roots!!

To achieve this, and for a truly joyful experience, its professional guides take you to some of the original areas of pre-Deportation Acadian settlements, such as "Isle Royale", "Beaubassin", "Cobequit", "Pigiguit", Grand Pré; "les Mines" and of course, "Port Royal" with the respective forts & National Historic Sites en route, defining the areas as "cradles" of French European presence in North America.

Novacadie Tours, makes you see for yourself, in magical surroundings, the original dykes (levées), the enclosed fertile farm and orchard land of your own ancestors : Babin, Bourg, Boudreau, Comeau, Dugas, Hébert, LeBlanc, Landry, Melançon, Trahan, and all the other proud pioneers of over 350 years ago, in "old" but forever young Acadie...

By doing so, the tour company wants to invite the Cadiens of Louisiana and all the related groups of the Diaspora, to plunge into their own fantastic history. Experience in many ways, the exact locations where the forefathers landed and transplanted seventeenth century France in the new lands of America. Whether it is along the inner perimeter of the Bay of Fundy (La Baie Française), or the jagged Atlantic coast, the sensation of touching your passed heritage will come over you as a passion. We believe, this singular tourism approach will fully complete your patrimonial and cultural awareness of yourself as a unique people.

All packages are either, custom designed for the specific needs and requests of the groups (family association / clubs...) planning and traveling together, or, may be chosen from the pre-set packages offered by the company. From the most comfortable of modern transportation, to the more adventurous nature/country tour, the traveler will "live" the true knowledge, voyage brings. Legendary hospitality, "Joie de Vivre", beautiful scenery, great food and music, a sprinkle of fun imagination are all ingredients to take you into your own perfect dream holiday !

Family organizations of "Congrès Mondial Acadien", church groups, delegations of all sorts will find in this traveling concept, the perfect way to confirm their beliefs, and validate the genealogical and academic notions of their family's past. It will also, and perhaps, primarily, build bonds between the Northern and Southern Acadian cousins as well as the French ''cousins'' overseas.


Novacadie Tours is the bridge that links us to Acadie. 

...It's a toast to the "Order of Good Cheer" every day !!!

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richard laurin 

Your personal tour director
Richard Laurin will build a
fantastic and educational tour
to suit your specific needs. His
vast knowledge of the great
history and culture of these
lands and peoples will truly
impress every traveler.

Customer Stories

After travelling with Richard Laurin on an Acadian Heritage Tour of France in 2013 we knew he would be the best person to take us on an in-depth Acadian tour of our Maritime provinces. With Richard as our guide and driver this fall, we explored many places in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI we had previously missed when touring on our own. And, we gained new insight into places we had visited before. Richard is passionate and knowledgeable about all things Acadian. He spared no effort to … read more

Beauchesne group

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