Port Royal:
Enjoy this short film showing great aerial views of the area nowadays called Port Royal / Annapolis Royal;A part of Mi'kma'ki for time immemorial. The First People called it Nme'juakneq.
Districk of kespukwik.
Copy the following link in your search engine and dig into the canadian nation's euro-american birthplace! :
A Land of Stories: many peoples, many stories: all called this place home - YouTube
Thanks to Mapannapolis for being responsible for this production and to allow us to use it here.
Like us at Novacadie, become a subsrciber to the local organization so to enrich our understanding of Acadie.
Grand Pré:
Enjoy a 20 minutes video pertaining to archeology in general with friend and colleague J.Fowler
but essentially right at Grand Pré N.H.S., Annapolis Valley, N.S.
Novacadie has been following and participating at some of the projects associated with the quest of defining various pre-deportation Acadian villages and overall remnants of our great culture and History.
Technology is finally being used to re-visit through a panoply of instrumentation, the ways-of-life, home sites, wells, bake ovens, and material culture of our ancestors, if the physical features have been erased (burned, destroyed completely and filled in after the expulsion)
Enjoy a 20 minutes video pertaining to archeology in general with friend and colleague J.Fowler
but essentially right at Grand Pré N.H.S., Annapolis Valley, N.S.
Novacadie has been following and participating at some of the projects associated with the quest of defining various pre-deportation Acadian villages and overall remnants of our great culture and History.
Technology is finally being used to re-visit through a panoply of instrumentation, the ways-of-life, home sites, wells, bake ovens, and material culture of our ancestors, if the physical features have been erased (burned, destroyed completely and filled in after the expulsion)
Oak Island area;
...a mysterious coast and an ever puzzling island ?