Plunge into the heart of the Big Picture;  The History of North America; Acadie and its amazing story!

Listen to this crash course of high quality about the topic: LISTEN NOW

A powerful example of the depth of the Acadian connection to the land now called Nova Scotia:

Ready for a story of a dear friend of Novacadie and his on-going engagement in rectifying a rural Nova Scotia unfortunate mistake of the past. 
Follow us in his journey; one of contributing in a way, to healing the wounds of yet, another group of men unjustly treated by his own kind;
Indeed, along with the First People, the ACADIANS we know, have definitely suffered the loss of the spirit of a thriving tightly knit community, the use of their land, but even the simple memory of several well-established passed placenames right here in Nova Scotia's Acadie.

Read this article about a beautiful river that kept its infinite course but...lost its accurate name over time:
Herbert River’s identity crisis: Just the difference of a letter separates river from its Acadian heritage | SaltWire

Bravo Mike Hébert !


Following is a  nice portrait of  the life of a  'resistance' Acadian hero-
Joseph dit 'Beausoleil' Broussard narrated by scholar Acadian history reference Ronald Labelle:

Acadian Culture with Ronald LaBelle: The swashbuckling tale of Beausoleil Broussard | Information Morning - Cape Breton with Steve Sutherland | Live Radio | CBC Listen


We offer the opportunity to experience the exact locations where the forefathers landed and transplanted seventeenth century France into the new lands of this continent. New France begins here in Acadie!

We owe so much to fascinating historical figures like Pierre DuGua DeMons, Champlain, Poutrincourt and their companions, who have left us documented evidence of our noble beginings as a people of Canada.
Indeed, we can rejoice at the fact that the French explorers and fellow artisans established a good relationship between themselves as 'new settlers' in a totally different environment.  Amazingly, friendly rapports are borned between themselves;  the visitors and the Natives form a sensibly compatible community of sorts.  The French's Native hosts would rapidly bring on, equal partnering and sharing of the land and waterways.  Wonderfully, it contributed to an everlasting alliances in the future. ...That was until 1755.

As most people around the globe will attest, nothing could ever bring people closer together then to share great food and hospitality at once! In Canada, this historical pride has a name, it started here in Port Royal by the sieur de Champlain himself! It was called; ''l'Ordre du Bon Temps'' or "The Order of Good Cheer"
SAM 0867inside Habitation 

Four centuries after its creation, one can still embrace the human principles of solidarity as well as the joy of becoming a "member" of the oldest social club in North America. Receive your personalized certificates when you attend with Novacadie Tours!

Do you know?

The Acadian parishes during the 'Golden Age' of Acadie:

Church Parishes of Greater Acadia before Le Grand Dérangement

According to André-Carl Vachon, "Laval, François de," in DCB, 2:370, & online, ecclesiastical parishes in New France were not formally created until after May 1679, when King Louis XIV issued a decree authorizing the Bishop of Québec to create them.  Before that, the habitants of New France, including those in Acadia, were served in their settlements by traveling missionaries, not resident priests.  White,DGFA-1, xvii-xxii; & White, DGFA-1 English, xxv-xxxii, provide the "foundation" dates of parishes in greater Acadia, beginning with Port-Royal in 1636 and ending with Rivière-du-Nord-Est and Pointe-Prime, on Île St.-Jean, in 1752.  For a fine map of Acadian churches before the Exile, see <>:

Port-Royal/Annapolis Royal

St.-Jean-Baptiste, Port-Royal (lower river)

St.-Laurent, Port-Royal (upper river)

See a topographic map of the Acadian settlements based on French cartographer Delabat's map circa 1707:  (courtesy of Map Annapolis)


Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Secours or Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption-de-la-Trés-Ste.-Vierge,

St.-Louis, Pointe-de-Beauséjour

Ste.-Anne, Tintamarre


St.-Charles-des-Mines, Grand-Pré

St.-Joseph-des-Mines, Rivière-aux-Canards


Sainte-Famille (west side of the river)

Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption (east side of the river)

St-Pierre et-St-Paul


Ste.-Anne, Cheboque/Cap-Sable

Notre-Dame, Pobomcoup/Pubnico

Trois-Rivières/Chepoudy, Petitcoudiac, Memramcook

Notre-Dame-de-la-Visitation or Notre-Dame-des-Neiges, Chepoudy



Rivière St.-Jean/Nashouat, Médoctec


Îsle St. Jean

St.-Jean-l'Evangéliste, Port-Lajoie

St.-Pierre, St.-Pierre-du-Nord

Ste.-Famille, Malpèque

St.-Louis, Rivière-du-Nord-Est

St.-Paul, Pointe-Prime

Note: 1752 - L’île Saint-Jean compte 2 223 habitants français et acadiens ...

Îsle Royale

Nouvelle-France: colonie de Louisbourg (1713-1758) (

Notre-Dame-des-Anges, Louisbourg

Hôpital, Louisbourg




Port d'Orléans/Niganiche

Ste.-Anne, Port-Dauphin

La Baleine



About Acadie

It was brought to my attention many times during my career as a Heritage guide, that the History pertaining to the Acadian culture, to previous generations of French Louisianians, may not have been carried out thoroughly, by the school institutions, if it was at all...

France Map (Small)No surprises there, it does not seem to have been part of the school curicullum in many places of the world just yet. As for the Louisiana context, it was requested that some simple yet effective remedy be presented during what was then, a most appropriate year in which Louisiana, was celebrating the 300th anniversary of its French Heritage, and the second Acadian World Congress (C.M.A.) back in 1999.

So, this little text aimed at presenting a condensed overview of this special place that exists in the hearts of millions all over the world. This Acadie of a new millennium and all its inheritance reveals itself to the world with its prettiest charms...

A place so mysteriously beautiful and yet so unknown…  

If you will, come with me and let's open the book of time as we glimpse at Acadie's very beginnings, to present days;

It is on the Nova Scotia peninsula that we see the first signs of its existence, well over 400 years ago. This magnificent and most easterly province of the Canadian Maritimes is where the first French explorers, gentlemen and artisans have landed all the hopes of their hearts and undertook to start all over, in the "New World"... To be precise, after nearly two months of travel on rough seas, La Have, Nova Scotia is where the men kneeled and embraced the soil, for they had finally touched what until then, was but a dream...

Regardless of the names given at various epoch, the territory remains the same, the mysterious beauty of Acadie shines like a star in the ages...

Acadia Map (Small)One may suspect that the Basque and Breton fishermen, who had clandestinely scanned the great fishing banks of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland since the mid fifteen hundreds, had long earned the trust from the aboriginals of the area known as Mi'kmaq Indians. Few written records of that exciting era exist, except some fascinating hieroglyphs carved on rocks at Kedjimkujik, N.S. Needless to say, no version of our Canadian History would be proper if the "First Nation" of its huge territory was not spoken of, as the initial settler.

As little as we know on the Mi'kmaq Culture, we now know that these people are descendants of the Paleo-Indian. People who have left us, beneath layers of earth by the Bay
of Cobequit, N.S. artefacts dating to 10,600 years back in time.
(Débert, N.S.) Their organized presence in this region of America this far back in time made the scholars rethink the notions of the "old" versus the "new" world... Somehow, for you and I, knowing their heritage to be ever so deeply rooted in time through immemorial traditions and relations with the land, surely has to make us save a special place for the Aboriginals.

The French people will most definitely learn from observing them in their customs and lifestyles. Located in parts of Maine, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Prince Edward Island (see text below) and the Gaspé Peninsula, the Mi'kmaws form a "family" or tribe of the Grand Algonkian Nation. In a uniquely spoken language, they referred their areas in specific terms of their own.

Read this wonderful reference regarding the context of Life-in-Acadie on superb Isle Saint-Jean (P.E.I) and the Deportation of 1758

Unraveling the Colonialist Myths of Nova Scotia | History | Smithsonian Magazine


Additional Stories

The Acadians imprisoned on Georges Island in Halifax. The link, below, opens to the Internet page of Les Amis de Grand Pré. In the column to the right, you first see the link to the French article by Ronnie-Gilles LeBlanc & then to his table listing the households. Below that, inside the red box, is the English translation of both documents. (For the translation, Ronnie-Gilles provided me with a few corrections to his original French article.) The site also contains links to many other pieces & sites you might like, including an item on Caraquet.


The Acadian refugees at Camp de l’Espérance on the Miramichi River. Four files, 2 in English, 2 in French. Each pair includes the article itself and a table showing the families. (The French version is Ronnie-Gilles LeBlanc’s revised edition of his original publication, while the English version is my translation of this new edition. Ronnie-Gilles worked with me on the translation.)


This third item might interest you too. It is about the company of Acadian soldiers that participated in the unsuccessful attempt to extend the American Revolution to the present-day Maritime Provinces of Canada, in 1776. (The so-called Eddy Rebellion.) Their main military engagement was an unsuccessful attack on Fort Beauséjour, in the area of the former Beaubassin.

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THANK YOU SO MUCH for providing this experience! Truly a lifetime opportunity.
Can't wait to share with my sisters. I'm quite sure we will meet again!
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Jan Bernard

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