Novacadie Tours creates and offers an
original & unprecedented concept in tourism 

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For over twenty years Novacadie Tours guests have enjoyed the quality services of our courteous professional bilingual guides. We are tour designers and coordinators who love what we do! It is our pleasure is to offer many ways to appreciate the geography and people of Atlantic Canada.

We facilitate a unique experience the 21st century traveler is looking for; our splendid, unspoiled environments, the understanding of our history and how it all comes together here and now!

The Native and French Heritage of our Maritime provinces are the perfect starting ingredients to a sublime recipe. Assembled with care-for-details and the specifics of each tour, the group or individual guided packages propel the voyageur into comfort, enjoyment and a profound Novacadian Experience

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Our Services
We can supply the transportation, the accommodation, the meals, all activities, bilingual step on guide services and of course the complete coordination of all the tour programs. In all cases, Novacadie is your facilitator and will do all that is possible to make your visit to Atlantic Canada, one you will cherish for ever!  

The tours we organize have no boundaries. They unfold in multiple regions of Nova Scotia but also throughout the Maritimes provinces, New England, the province of Québec and even France's Saint-Pierre and Miquelon. 

Because the Atlantic regions are so diversified and so rich of beauty,  with the right guidance, a creative combination of destinations is always sure to provide superb travel experiences. It's our pleasure to make it happen.  

It's All About Flexibility

We are pleased to comply with your wishes - it's your vacation after-all. We can only help you make it better with our vast knowledge and experience!

The tours we provide may be conducted by using either:

  • The client's own vehicle, on which we will be glad to act as courteous chauffeur;
  • A rental vehicle of your choice (Novacadie's tour operator rates available to you);
  • A de luxe chartered motor coach (up to 56 passengers) supplied by Novacadie Tours Inc.  at our preferred rate to the client;
  • Service of step on guides and tour coordination by Novacadie

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A few of our customized services:

  • Quality accommodations in convenient locations throughout Atlantic Canada
  • Individual and group meals at great rates.  Be acquainted to our local specialties
  • Insightful and knowledgeable guides always at your entire disposition (bilingual)
  • Fully coordinated tours with just the right activities for your taste

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richard laurin 

Your personal tour director
Richard Laurin will build a
fantastic and educational tour
to suit your specific needs. His
vast knowledge of the great
history and culture of these
lands and peoples will truly
impress every traveler.

Customer Stories

My mom, Lois CLOUATE Vial, always wondered where her family was from. Months before her death I completed the research and was able to share with her that she was a true Acadian, she was so pleased!

It's been a long journey from Dauphine, France to Grand Pre, Acadie (Nova Scotia) in the 1600's. Then the forced expulsion from Grand Pré in 1755 to near enslavement in Port Tobacco, Maryland for the next 10 years.

Lastly to find their way to beautiful Louisiana (St. Gabriel to St. James … read more

Laurie Wilkerson

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