Écoutez une entrevue enregistrée à l'émission Michel le samedi le 24 Avril, 2021. Découverte par Novacadie d'une digue transversale sur la Rivière des Vieux-Habitants; vestiges vraisemblablement acadien pré-déportation.
Listen to a recorded interview on the Michel show on Saturday April 24, 2021. Discovery by Novacadie of a transverse dike on the Rivière des Vieux-Habitants; vestiges probably Acadian pre-deportation.
Listen - Écoutez
watch visionnez:
Rivière des vieux-Habitants{/gallery}
Excerpt from La Parole, a Cajun Newsletter as published today April 30th, 2021:
''..Acadian historian, Living Legend and tour
operator Richard Laurin (shown above), shared
with us his discovery of a probable pre-
deportation structure east of Canning, NS, and
consisting of a huge cross dyke along the ancient
Rivière-des-Vieux-Habitants (today’s Habitant River) where extended families like the Saulniers, Comeau and
Trahans lived. Today, the fragile structure that remains runs along the mouth and the
entire south side of the Habitant River shoreline.
Says Laurin: “Although, altered and partially repaired at the end of the 19th century, many firmly believe it predates the
English presence in the area...’’
Centuries later, what remains of the construction site is longer than a football field and is at
least 100 feet wide. Amazingly, it was all done by hand and managed to block two cycles per day
of the highest tides in the world.
By accomplishing the irrigation and desalination of soils submerged there for more than 8,000 years,
this masterful cross-dyke and aboiteaux dam (levée) gave the inhabitants and builders of the time–(between 1680 and
1755) – much fertile farmland which definitely contributed to make the region known as the ‘’bread basket of old Acadie.’’
To all those who embrace the history of this
valiant, triumphant people and to those who
have thought about the harmony that must have
reigned among Acadians living in little villages of
thatched cottages before the Deportation came,
this is represents a major legacy to the golden
age of the first Acadie....''
You can send questions or comments to Laurin’s
support group via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or
by using the website www.novacadie.ca
Related links:
Podcast: Rattrapage du samedi 24 avril 2021
Video: https://youtu.be/vsSgDQlXG88
Entrevue réalisée à Radio Canada Atlantique portant sur le site du premier moulin à eau en Amérique du Nord--Juin 2011
French interview on CBC Radio on first grist mill property in North America

en accéléré. Novacadie vous y mène!
Watch this amazing time-lapse footage of the Fundy Tides in action. Novacadie takes you there!
Observez le phénomène du mascaret associé à nos marées géantes---Rivière Hébert, Pigiguit, N.É.
Observing the Tidal Bore as it comes up the Hébert River - July 2013
Richard Laurin appears in a popular dicovery television show on TVA , Canada
Saint-Pierre et Miquelon--Août 2010.
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, August 2010.
Richard's Interview on FRANCE Television-St-Pierre & Miquelon, France
interview at a Parisian TV station
Un film réalisé et télédiffusé sur UNIS T.V. mettant Novacadie Tours et ses clients en vedette-
a film that played on UNIS T.V. here in Canada. It was group of Acadians. I designed the tour and accompanied our group in 2016. It was the fourth of the kind Novacadie organized there.
Adadie Gaspesie
Dis c'est où l'Acadie ?
Belle-Ïle-en-Mer, terre accueillante acadienne avec Novacadie Tours:
Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour un petit aperçu des paysages de grandes beautés de Belle Ïle-en-Mer, France, extrait de nos voyages organisés sur une base régulière:
Notre Voyage Patrimonial Acadien en France
To get a glimpse of the beauties of Belle-Ïle-en-Mer, France, one of several fantastic region we tour together during
Our Great Acadian Heritage Tour in France
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